NDNEEL2s&þÿÿÿÿ ÿÂ Acquisitions source: Added author: Class number: Conference author: Control number: General Note: Geographic term: Indexes: ISBN:  Personal Author: Physical descrip: :  Physical descrip: ;  Physical descrip: Publication info: : |,  Publication info: |,  Publication info: RGS CALL NUMBER Subject date: Subject term: Summary: Terms of use/reprod: Title: /  Title: RGS CALL NUMBER `MAP`  Acquisitions source:   Added author:   Class number:   Conference author:   Control number:   General Note:   Geographic term:  Indexes:  ISBN:   Mathematical data:   Personal Author:   Physical descrip:  :   Physical descrip:  ;   Physical descrip:   Publication info: : |,   Publication info:  |,   Publication info:  RGS CALL NUMBER   Subject date:   Subject term:  Summary:   Terms of use/reprod:  Title:  /  Title:  RGS CALL NUMBER `IMAGE`  Acquisitions source:   Added author:   Class number:   Conference author:   Control number:   General Note:   Geographic term:  Indexes:  ISBN:   Personal Author:   Physical descrip:   Publication info: : |,   Publication info:  |,   Publication info:  RGS CALL NUMBER   Subject date:   Subject term:  Summary:   Terms of use/reprod:  Title:  /  Title: RGS CALL NUMBER  `ARCHIVE`RGS CALL NUMBER  `PAMPHLET`RGS CALL NUMBER `SERIAL` Acquisitions source: Added author: Class number: Conference author: Control number: General Note: Geographic term: Indexes: ISBN:  Personal Author: Physical descrip: :  Physical descrip: ;  Physical descrip: Publication info: : |,  Publication info: |,  Publication info: RGS CALL NUMBER Subject date: Subject term: Summary: Terms of use/reprod: Title: /  Title: Volume/date range:ÎDHD DDDby HD*ed. version. version [ ] edition. edition HS: . [ ] / , ( ) DHD: DDScale DDDSLSDL L!L"L#L$L%L&L'DDH D D DDDCOPY MATERIAL LOCATION v ‚‚‚ ‚ÿ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚RGS CALL NUMBER  ºRoyal Geographic SocietyLibrary CatalogsVDOWNLOADING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Place checks next to the records you wish to save. 2. Click "Kept" to view a summary of them. 3. Click "View", then save the list as a plain text file, or, email the file to yourself and then save the email as a plain text file. LIMITATIONS 1. Corporate authors must be parsed manually after importing. Library Catalog